jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015
sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015
Product design
There are numerous studies on qualitative approaches in the product design.
Common description of new product development’ is “the process that transforms technical
ideas or market needs and opportunities into a new product on to the market“.
Product development and management Association /PDMA/ defines ‘new product
development’ as “the overall process of strategy, organization, concept generation, product and
marketing plan creation and evaluation, and commercialisation of a new product. [15]
Walsh et al. (1992) describes ‘product design and development’ as “the activity that transforms
the brief or initial market specification into design concepts and prototypes and then into the detailed
drawings, technical specifications and other instructions needed to actually manufacture a new
product. [22]
Business dictionary defines product-design as the detailed specification of manufactured items
parts and their relationships to the whole. A product design needs to take into account how the item
will perform its intended functionality in an efficient, safe and reliable manner. The product also needs
to be capable of being made economically and to be attractive to targeted consumers. [14]
For product design there are several known models based on the specification phase of the
development process.
Fig. 1.
There are numerous studies on qualitative approaches in the product design.
Common description of new product development’ is “the process that transforms technical
ideas or market needs and opportunities into a new product on to the market“.
Product development and management Association /PDMA/ defines ‘new product
development’ as “the overall process of strategy, organization, concept generation, product and
marketing plan creation and evaluation, and commercialisation of a new product. [15]
Walsh et al. (1992) describes ‘product design and development’ as “the activity that transforms
the brief or initial market specification into design concepts and prototypes and then into the detailed
drawings, technical specifications and other instructions needed to actually manufacture a new
product. [22]
Business dictionary defines product-design as the detailed specification of manufactured items
parts and their relationships to the whole. A product design needs to take into account how the item
will perform its intended functionality in an efficient, safe and reliable manner. The product also needs
to be capable of being made economically and to be attractive to targeted consumers. [14]
For product design there are several known models based on the specification phase of the
development process.
Fig. 1.
The Design Quality
Roth [18] definition of design quality is ‘the processes and activities that need to be carried out
to enable the manufacture of a product that fully meets customer requirements.’
Business dictionary defines quality of design as level of effectiveness of the design function in
determining a product's operational requirements (and their incorporation into design requirements)
that can be converted into a finished product in a production process. [16]
Guide Design for Quality definition is - DFQ is the disciplined application of engineering tools
and concepts with the goal of achieving robust design development and definition in the Pd process.
The DFQ process allows the engineer to: identify, plan-for and manage factors that impact system
robustness and reliability upfront in the design process. [1]
Design quality measures vary from organization to organization. They typically involve some
measure that attempts to quantify how well the design function achieved certain objectives. These
objectives can be product specific or they can be aligned with organizational goals. Examples [4]:
• Carryover parts usage (%),
• Number of variations for similar products (part count),
• Change Management,
• Cost avoidance and cost savings,
• Product Improvement (number of improvements),
• Number of technical changes to the product before and after the start of production.
Design Process Efficiency. Design process measures are metrics intended to quantify the
efficiency or cost effectiveness of the design process over all engineering design activities. These are
generally referred to as productivity or efficiency measures. The ones quoted by the panel are:
• Productivity = (Sales – Materials)/Engineering Labour,
• Productivity = Engineering cost / Sales (inverse of above),
• Productivity = (number of part numbers going through the PDP process)/(current year
engineering expense),
• % Change in productivity,
• Project throughput.
The lean product design
The essence of Lean is to eliminate waste in all aspects of product development and related
processes even before getting the product into production. The term is derived from lean
manufacturing. The starting point is the customer's requirements and determine the value added. All
others need not satisfy the customer and the customer must pay for it is considered waste. This
includes: identification of features of the product with the highest added value, delete items without
value and engage customers in product development stages [19]:
Vydavatel: Katedra kontroly a řízení jakosti, FMMI, VŠB-TU Ostrava
• Focusing on the initial development phase, which takes into account many variations, as there is
room for optimisation.
• Parallel implementation of activities supported by the communication strategy.
• Optimise the development process and eliminating waste.
• Linking specialists from functional departments in multi professional teams.
• Waste reduction options in the draft.
. Examples of waste in product design:
• The proposal was never used, completed or delivered.
• Downtime in search of information, waiting for test results, etc.
• Unnecessary documents and prototypes.
• Insufficient use of product design techniques.
• Lack of risk analysis of manufacturing defects.
The best way to eliminate the losses that don’t add value within the process of product design
and development is to apply the “lean thinking” philosophy. Since “lean” business cannot produce
“bold” products, the Lean Design and Lean Product Development methods get into concern. Chances
to dramatic reductions of costs during the product design are:
• Reduction of direct material costs: platform components and material, simplifying of design,
reduction of useless waste, samples, prototypes, etc.
• Reduction of direct costs on experiments and testing simplifying of design - design for lean
manufacturing and assembly, reduction of part count, adaptation of product tolerances to
operational possibilities process standardizing, etc.
• Reduction of operational costs: minimum impact on reconfiguration of manufacturing processes
and systems, modular design, standards for modifications according to customer’s demands,
better utilization of manufacturing capacities and human resources.
• Minimizing development costs: platform of design strategies, lean QFD, Six Sigma, design of
experiments, value engineering, and others.
• Acceleration of product development process affects three basic lean principles:
• Concentration of development activities: perform the work tasks in the shortest time possible,
and minimum moving of project documentation between individuals and departments. That can
be achieved with simultaneous solving and strong IT support.
• Application of knowledge basis from previous experiences portfolio. It means to make use of
appropriate expertise, learn more than until now and update the knowledge base with
development-relevant data from suppliers, competitors, customers, and partners.
Lean companies [20]:
• Prevent product failures rather than react to them.
• Create the culture to design quality and reliability into their products.
• Use product development teams to ensure that the quality and reliability issues of customers,
manufacturing, service, and suppliers are properly represented.
• Open communication channels with customers to obtain timely and detailed product failure
• Maintain a well-conceived failure database of product field failure modes supported by failure
analysis to root cause.
• Understand in detail the capabilities and limitations of both internal and suppliers'
manufacturing operations.
Agile Product Development
The phrase "Agile Product Development" can be interpreted in two ways, both of which are
correct and applicable to a wide range of products and industries:
1. An agile product development process that can rapidly introduce a steady succession of
incremental product improvements which can be called "new" products — that are really planned
"variations on a theme," based on common parts and modular product architecture. This capability
results in ultra-fast time-to- market, much faster than possible with independent products that do not
benefit from product-family synergies in design and manufacture.
2. Development of agile products that can be manufactured in the following agile environments: Agile
Manufacturing, Just-in-Time, Build-to-Order, and Mass Customisation.
Vydavatel: Katedra kontroly a řízení jakosti, FMMI, VŠB-TU Ostrava
The scope of agility – definitions and overview
Emend of speed, flexibility, innovation, quality, proactively and profitability through the integration of
reconfigurable resources that must be achieved in synergy. Quickly react to change by re-
configuration of products, processes and organization structure. [5], [7].
Factories, based on Agile Manufacturing and customisation, are characterized [6] by: future
production sites for a large variety of sophisticated products are offering flexible, short cycle time and
variability controlling manufacturing capability. These manufacturing approaches ensure energy-
efficient, reliable and cost effective production as well as production set-up/ramp-up with reduced cost
and time through lean and simpler ICT. The adaptive (agile) enterprises exploit capabilities to thrive in
uncertain and unpredictable business environment. Firms are capable of rapidly responding to
changes in customer demand.
The agile manufacturing system should be able to produce a variety of components at low
cost and in a short time period. To achieve Agile Manufacturing, company need agile design
processes. [7].
Lean product development techniques, many companies have adopted in recent years,
minimize waste and boost efficiency, but they also lock in product attributes too early and limit
Agile product development system is capable of addressing frequent iterations of multiple
design options early in the process, based on continuous testing and highly sophisticated customer-
driven design changes. This method, which both encourages flexibility and recognizes the
unpredictability of the early stages of product development, ensures that the latter part of the cycle is
much less uncertain, enabling companies to bring more popular products to market at lower cost, and
with fewer delays. [7]
The goal of agile product development is to achieve rapid and frequent iterations with multiple
design options up front — driven by continuous testing and granular customer analyses — in order to
optimise, balance, and prioritise requirements and identify risks earlier. This early stage of the process
has four primary characteristics:
1. Rapid and iterative development model Companies generate multiple concepts, and in a period of
weeks, rather than months, test product prototypes with customers.
2. Modular architecture. By breaking a product concept into modules, companies can give sub-teams
the responsibility to work out the best set of solutions for the final design and manufacturing of their
part of the project, including interfaces, materials, or potential trouble spots.
3. Early risk identification. As cross-functional teams rapidly iterate and synthesize product ideas and
concepts, more often than not the deep dive into the design process reveals potential development
risks. With this knowledge, teams can prioritise potential risks and incorporate risk reduction plans into
the development slate, while scheduling routine test events to verify that risks have been addressed.
4. Intensive supplier involvement. Traditionally, companies hold suppliers and the manufacturing
function at arm’s length until product requirements and concepts have matured. By contrast, the agile
front-end approach seeks to gain the input of all - customers, partners, suppliers, and sales and
manufacturing teams - to critique designs, offer insights, and broadly minimize risk and maximize
efficiency up front so that fewer changes need to be made during production or product launch.
Methods and tools for product innovation
There is a large collection of techniques, methods and tools to support all phases of product
innovations. Applications depend on innovation and building innovation potential of the body. Here are
the comparison of the preferred methods and tools for product design in engineering with an emphasis
on automobile production [2], [10], [12].
Selection tools for conceptual design focuses on the management of:
• Changing customer preferences,
• Incorrect specification of the parameters of the products,
• Different levels of technology maturity,
• Markets, financial uncertainty and the changing legal, political and social environment.
Preferred methods are particularly lean and system engineering. A comprehensive set of
techniques for improving product development can be found in specialist publications. Sample
selection techniques is in the Table 2. [12]
Other approaches to the selection of techniques for product design:
Software Design Tools: CAD - Computer Aided Design, CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing, EDA -
Electronic Design Automation, DFM - Design For Manufacture, DFT - Design For Test, DFA - Design
For Assembly. [17]
Product Design Tools. These would be used predominantly during the design functions, to ensure that
the right product is specified and designed and to reduce design time and costs. Within the process of
product design, are there used the tools as: Design for manufacturing/assembly (DFM/A), Design for
quality (DFQ), Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), Design to cost (DTC), Quality function deployment
(QFD), Design failure mode and effect analysis (DFMEA). [18]
In the automotive industry, are widely used methodologies of product quality planning (APQP, VDA
4.3) and the requirements for the approval process to mass production of parts (PPAP, PPF).
Advanced product quality planning (or APQP) is a framework of procedures and techniques
used to develop products in industry, particularly the automotive industry. The purpose of APQP is to
produce a product quality plan, which will support development of a product that will satisfy the
customer. APQP serves as a guide in the development process and also a standard way to share
results between suppliers and automotive companies.
Part of the quality control standards in the automotive industry is methodological guide PPAP
(Production Part Approval Process) and PPF (Produktionsprozess-und Produktfreigabe) - Unlocking
the production process and product. These guides provide a set of requirements for the release of the
production process and product to manufacture. Their purpose is to determine whether the supplier
properly understand all the customer's requirements and specifications whether the manufacturing
process has the potential to produce a product that the requirements will be in the actual production
volume and at the agreed production speed consistently met.
The significance of design methods and techniques. In study [3] was made a survey of selected
frequency techniques in practice, the automotive industry. The survey results reflected in the 0-3 point
scale are follows:
• Design for Manufacture and Assembly 2,4
• Design for Reliability and Durability 2,2
• Design for Six Sigma 1,0
• Value Analysis 0,8
• Design for Service, Repair and Maintenance 0,5
• Design for Green Manufacturing 0,5
Shown differentiated approach to product design tool is caused by authors analyze the various
phases of design and various product sectors. The application design tools are needed specialized
methodology. In the next part will focus on the results of our research on product design tools to create
prototypes of cars.
Case Study: Techniques for Product Design in project of student car
Testing the potential application of techniques for product design was the Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering TU Kosice done on a project of student car conducted by the author [9]. The
project was to design and construct a fully functional car in real size, which represented the University
faculty and students study the production of cars in their acquired skills and knowledge of the issue of
product innovations.
Vydavatel: Katedra kontroly a řízení jakosti, FMMI, VŠB-TU Ostrava
The car was taken by its originality, aggressiveness, speed, and innovative features modern
and sporty appearance. The project modelled the real process automakers, with the real constraints
and didactic intention maximum creative team-based methods learning by doing.
The sequence of phases of the project were as follows: generation of policy options the car,
design proposals, graphic and computer design, evaluation, modelling, technical solutions,
calculations, experiments, production decisions - subcontracting, original equipment manufacturing,
assembly and testing.
The new car was built on the Skoda Fabia platform. Body and interior are completely original
components. The new solution is a hinged door opening. Other innovations are the engine and
chassis modifications. The new car is shown in Fig. 2.
Project management was a crosscutting activity, as part of the student team was not experience of
dealing with large and complex projects.
Lean design methods, because in conditions of university research projects are limited financial and
technological resources.
Design for quality, because the car represents the quality of student education in innovation and
product design techniques. It shows the conditions for their application in automotive research and
Study of a Steel’s Energy Absorption System for Heavy Quadricycles and Nonlinear Explicit Dynamic Analysis of its Behavior under Impact by FEM
Longitudinal Energy Absorption in Conventional Vehicles
Passive safety comes into play once an accident is inevitable and its function is to reduce as far as possible the fatal consequences of an impact. On impact, the structure of a vehicle has two main functions: ‚
- The first function is to absorb the kinetic energy of the vehicle while keeping those allowable decelerations for the survival of occupants. ‚
- The second function is to preserve the integrity of the passenger compartment and so avoid the intrusion of rigid components into it.
Energy Absortion Systems
Studying the structural behavior of a vehicle in the event of longitudinal impact reveals that the structure of a vehicle is composed of components whose function is to deform in a programmed way under impact (deformable parts), i.e., to absorb energy. These components in first instance are the vehicle bumper, and the initial section of the front rails of the vehicle (see Figure 1) [5]. In most conventional vehicles the front rail is made up of two parts: a replaceable piece called the crash box (A), which folds in a controlled pattern under impact, and a second part, the frame rail, with an initial section (B) which also folds in a controlled pattern and a second section (C) which transmits the force to the vehicle structure.
Passive safety comes into play once an accident is inevitable and its function is to reduce as far as possible the fatal consequences of an impact. On impact, the structure of a vehicle has two main functions: ‚
- The first function is to absorb the kinetic energy of the vehicle while keeping those allowable decelerations for the survival of occupants. ‚
- The second function is to preserve the integrity of the passenger compartment and so avoid the intrusion of rigid components into it.
Energy Absortion Systems
Studying the structural behavior of a vehicle in the event of longitudinal impact reveals that the structure of a vehicle is composed of components whose function is to deform in a programmed way under impact (deformable parts), i.e., to absorb energy. These components in first instance are the vehicle bumper, and the initial section of the front rails of the vehicle (see Figure 1) [5]. In most conventional vehicles the front rail is made up of two parts: a replaceable piece called the crash box (A), which folds in a controlled pattern under impact, and a second part, the frame rail, with an initial section (B) which also folds in a controlled pattern and a second section (C) which transmits the force to the vehicle structure.
The ideal behavior of the front structure of a vehicle would provide a constant resistance to
deformation (while not reaching the passenger safety cell). This would cause a constant force
producing deceleration that is not only great but which must also be bearable by the occupants.
Various studies focus on the behavior of the axial crushing of tubes [6,7], where folding patterns of
different geometries are studied, and the evolution of compressive force versus displacement is tested.
The study of geometry buckling initiators [8] is also very common. These are small predeformations
in the tube that will achieve a reduction in the initial peak force for the collapse of the tube. The use
of buckling initiators is very common in crash boxes and in the initial section of frame rails in order
to reduce the initial buckling force.
Energy Absorption Distribution between the Different Components of the Front Structure of an
The distribution of energy absorption between different longitudinal components can be studied.
Several works have studied this, particularly doctoral theses [9–11], which make a proposal for the
division of energy for an impact at 56 km/h against a rigid wall as shown in Figure.
Figure 2 shows a top view of the front of a car, where the distribution of energy absorption can
be seen. The front panel of the vehicle absorbs only 10% of the total energy, and the components
Materials 2015, 8, 6893–6908
which absorb more energy are the front rail of the car with 50% of the energy, followed by the
motor, which absorbs 20%. Within each of the two front rail components, 7.5% of the total energy
is absorbed by the crash box (Figure 1A), 7.5% by the front section of the frame rail (Figure 1B) and
another 10% by the frame rail (Figure 1C). These energy absorption percentages would be different
depending on the impact speed. If the velocity is not high, the components which are in the first half
of the structure would be able to absorb all the kinetic energy, without deformation of the second
half. These percentages correspond to an impact that does not involve deformation of the passenger
compartment and the impacted object is a rigid wall which does not absorb energy.
Impact Performance of Minicars
Now that the impact performance for conventional vehicles has been shown, we will focus on
the performance for quadricycles and minicars. The literature on the impact crashworthiness of
minicars has been mostly written relatively recently and in all events is very scarce. One of the most
complete references is the study by Hardy [12], a European study of L category vehicles (unladen
mass under 350 kg or 450 kg) and whether they could meet the same regulatory requirements as
M1 cars (conventional cars). The study shows wide disparity between the results of frontal-impact
tests for the quadricycles reviewed, and indicates that no current quadricycle would comply with M1
category safety requirements, which suggests that the evolution of safety in quadricycles still has a
long way to go.
Moreover, EuroNCAP (European New Car Assessment Programme) undertook a safety
campaign for heavy quadricycles (L7e) [13] in 2014, which tested the following models: Renault
Twizy 80, Ligier IXO JS Line 4 Places, Tazzari Zero and Club Car Villager 2+2 LSV. The study results
indicate that “all of the quadricycles tested showed critical safety problems”, and according to the
executive management of ETSC (European Transport Safety Council) “these vehicles already satisfy
a minimum set of requirements which is clearly not enough as the tests show” [13].
Mizuno [2] produced a work on passive safety for minicars, which clearly states that their
security is less than that of a conventional vehicle due to the technological challenge of their small
size and mass. The work concludes that the lack of safety is mainly due to the lack of space, and that
a lower mass implies larger decelerations, and it recommends that this type of vehicle have a force
limiter and pre-tensioner system for the seat belt and shrinkable columns for the steering because
intrusions into the passenger compartment are one of the main problems with this type of vehicle.
In a way, the chassis structure of a minicar is similar to that of a conventional vehicle, with the
handicap of having less space available. Figure 3 shows the chassis structure of two minicars whose
impact performance was tested [5]. Minicar type A (see Figure 3a) has two front rails connected
directly to the crossbeam that supports the bumper, while minicar type B (see Figure 3b) does not
have a crossbeam for the bumper and front rails are joined together by a horizontal beam over
the suspension.
Materials 2015, 8, page–page
motor, which absorbs 20%. Within each of the two front rail components, 7.5% of the total energy is
absorbed by the crash box (Figure 1A), 7.5% by the front section of the frame rail (Figure 1B) and
another 10% by the frame rail (Figure 1C). These energy absorption percentages would be different.
The hardenability of steels, as defined by ASM,1,2 is
usually measured as the distance below a quenched
surface at which the metal shows a specific hardness or a
specific percentage of martensite in the microstructure.
To rate the hardenability, two methods can be used: the
Grossman test and the Jominy test. The latter3–5 is the
simpler and the more commonly used one.
While for fully dense steels the literature data cover a
wide variety of grades, for PM steels the available
database seems to be mainly limited to rather recent
As everybody knows, the hardenability of PM steels
depends on:
(i) chemical composition, that can be uneven, depending on powder nature and processing conditions (ii) austenitic grain size mainly depending on sintering condition
(iii) cooling rate inside parts within a given range. This rate depends on material (chemical compositions, density and sintering intensity) and on part geometry and size.
The main differences between PM and fully dense materials are the presence of diffused porosity and, in many cases, the typical heterogeneity of chemical compositions.12–16 Owing to the growing interest in sinter hardening, the knowledge of hardenability of PM steels is becoming more and more important to establish the maximum part weight and typical geometrical features of parts suitable for sinter hardening. In some previous papers,17–20 the hardenabilities of PM steels – based on some ferrous base powders – have been determined, through the Jominy end quench test and hardness measurements, as suggested by the standard. Also the possibility of obtaining ferrous materials characterised by hardness values (200–250 HV) suitable for specific mechanical applications by means of a sinter–hardening process applied to low or medium alloyed steels has been investigated.13 In this paper the Jominy test has been applied to PM ferrous materials produced from low or medium alloyed powders, suitable for quenching heat treatment in the case of demanding technical requirements.
Materials and methods Two low alloy powders, produced by Ho¨ gana¨ s AB (Sweden) have been considered; their chemical compositions are reported in Table 1. These grades, produced also by other manufacturers, are frequently selected for producing PM parts requiring heat treatment. Prisms with square cross-section (65665 mm2 ) and 63 mm height have been compacted at 7. 0 g cm23 nominal density and sintered under endogas atmosphere at 1393 K for 30 min. in belt type industrial equipment. After sintering and physical characterisation, each prism has been cut into four equal parts and from each quarter, by turning, a cylinder has been machined. The dimensions of the cylinders are: 25 mm in diameter and 63 mm high. Then, on each cylinder, at the centre, a threaded hole has been machined. This hole has been made to allow the insertion of a threaded extremity part,
Experimental results
Hardenability bands and microhardness
After cooling in the Jominy test device, each probe has been ground along four generatrices, arranged at 90u each other, on which hardness measurements have been made. From the hardness measurements (Rockwell A) Jominy curves have been obtained for both materials. The results of these measurements are reported in Fig. 1. Along one generatrix, selected at random, also the HV0. 05 microhardness profile has been determined, with 1 mm pitch. The results are reported in Fig. 2, where each point of the profile is the average value of three measurements at that distance
The hardenability bands, depicted in Fig. 1, indicate some difference in hardenability between the investigated steels. Anyhow, assuming 70 HRA as the lower limit for a ‘hard’ structure, for both materials the ‘design’ hardening depth is y5 mm. Figure 2, for the steel obtained from AE base powder, shows that proceeding from the quenched face, on the first 4 mm, microhardness profile exhibits high values (800–860 HV0. 05), then the microhardness decreases very quickly, dropping to 400 HV0. 05 in the next 3 mm. From this point on, the profile continues to drop, but softly and slowly, till 350 HV0. 05. On the same figure, the hardness profile of the material obtained from Astaloy Mo shows microhardness values between 760 and 780 in the first eight measurements (always starting from the quenched end). Then, in the distance interval from 8 to 20 mm, the microhardness values are nearly halved, dropping to y400 HV0. 05. After this point, the microhardness decreases slowly, to reach 320 HV0. 05 in the last measurements. The different statistical populations of microhardness values are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, on normal probability graphs. Each plot represents the results of 450 measurements. Figure 3, relevant to AE coded PM steel, shows the overlapping of at least four different statistical populations. Less than 10% of the values exceed.
(i) chemical composition, that can be uneven, depending on powder nature and processing conditions (ii) austenitic grain size mainly depending on sintering condition
(iii) cooling rate inside parts within a given range. This rate depends on material (chemical compositions, density and sintering intensity) and on part geometry and size.
The main differences between PM and fully dense materials are the presence of diffused porosity and, in many cases, the typical heterogeneity of chemical compositions.12–16 Owing to the growing interest in sinter hardening, the knowledge of hardenability of PM steels is becoming more and more important to establish the maximum part weight and typical geometrical features of parts suitable for sinter hardening. In some previous papers,17–20 the hardenabilities of PM steels – based on some ferrous base powders – have been determined, through the Jominy end quench test and hardness measurements, as suggested by the standard. Also the possibility of obtaining ferrous materials characterised by hardness values (200–250 HV) suitable for specific mechanical applications by means of a sinter–hardening process applied to low or medium alloyed steels has been investigated.13 In this paper the Jominy test has been applied to PM ferrous materials produced from low or medium alloyed powders, suitable for quenching heat treatment in the case of demanding technical requirements.
Materials and methods Two low alloy powders, produced by Ho¨ gana¨ s AB (Sweden) have been considered; their chemical compositions are reported in Table 1. These grades, produced also by other manufacturers, are frequently selected for producing PM parts requiring heat treatment. Prisms with square cross-section (65665 mm2 ) and 63 mm height have been compacted at 7. 0 g cm23 nominal density and sintered under endogas atmosphere at 1393 K for 30 min. in belt type industrial equipment. After sintering and physical characterisation, each prism has been cut into four equal parts and from each quarter, by turning, a cylinder has been machined. The dimensions of the cylinders are: 25 mm in diameter and 63 mm high. Then, on each cylinder, at the centre, a threaded hole has been machined. This hole has been made to allow the insertion of a threaded extremity part,
1. Hardenability bands of investigated steels
in order to observe the requirement of the standard,
which imposes a total length equal to 100 mm.4,5 Other
three holes, equally spaced, have been machined on the
specimens to make possible the insertion of thermocouples,
with extremities placed at different, precise
distances from the quenched end. The instrumented
Jominy probes have been placed inside a muffle furnace,
set at 900uC, with an hour time at temperature. Since no
controlled atmosphere was available, to avoid carbon
depletion on the surface zones, the specimens were
placed inside small cylinders equipped with a graphite
disc at the bottom. In order to follow the temperature
course, three thermocouples have been inserted inside
the Jominy probes, placed at half of the base radius and
at distances of 3, 13 and 23 mm from the quenched
surface. During the cooling after austenitising, at the
three selected points, the temperatures have been
recorded through a digital acquisition system.
The present investigation includes:
(i) measurement of Rockwell A hardness
(ii) measurement of Vickers 0.
05 microhardness
(iii) optical (LOM) and electronic (SEM) microscopy
(iv) EDXS analysis.
Experimental results
Hardenability bands and microhardness
After cooling in the Jominy test device, each probe has been ground along four generatrices, arranged at 90u each other, on which hardness measurements have been made. From the hardness measurements (Rockwell A) Jominy curves have been obtained for both materials. The results of these measurements are reported in Fig. 1. Along one generatrix, selected at random, also the HV0. 05 microhardness profile has been determined, with 1 mm pitch. The results are reported in Fig. 2, where each point of the profile is the average value of three measurements at that distance
The hardenability bands, depicted in Fig. 1, indicate some difference in hardenability between the investigated steels. Anyhow, assuming 70 HRA as the lower limit for a ‘hard’ structure, for both materials the ‘design’ hardening depth is y5 mm. Figure 2, for the steel obtained from AE base powder, shows that proceeding from the quenched face, on the first 4 mm, microhardness profile exhibits high values (800–860 HV0. 05), then the microhardness decreases very quickly, dropping to 400 HV0. 05 in the next 3 mm. From this point on, the profile continues to drop, but softly and slowly, till 350 HV0. 05. On the same figure, the hardness profile of the material obtained from Astaloy Mo shows microhardness values between 760 and 780 in the first eight measurements (always starting from the quenched end). Then, in the distance interval from 8 to 20 mm, the microhardness values are nearly halved, dropping to y400 HV0. 05. After this point, the microhardness decreases slowly, to reach 320 HV0. 05 in the last measurements. The different statistical populations of microhardness values are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, on normal probability graphs. Each plot represents the results of 450 measurements. Figure 3, relevant to AE coded PM steel, shows the overlapping of at least four different statistical populations. Less than 10% of the values exceed.
650 HV0.
05; they are concentrated within ,15 mm
from the water quenched end. The median is
y350 HV0.
05. Figure 4, relevant to AM coded PM
steel, shows the overlapping of at least three statistical
different populations. About 25% of the values exceed
650 HV0.
05; they are concentrated within ,30 mm
from the water quenched end. The median is
y370 HV0.
Typical microstructures have been observed at increasing
distances from the water quenched end of each
Jominy specimen. No significant differences have been
observed among probes of the same chemical family.
AE coded material
The extreme part of the probe nearly completely
presents a martensitic structure with some zones of
transforming austenite (Figs. 5 and 6). The white areas
observed at the optical microscope immediately below
the quenched face are seen to be completely transformed
when observed with the SEM (Fig. 7). Almost immediately,
beyond this area, the microstructure suddenly
changes and appears to be made up of very fine pearlite
and austenite transforming in acicular structures (Figs. 8
and 9). Then, going on along the sample, very fine
pearlite predominates with small quantity of upper
bainite and austenite at different degrees of transformation
(Figs. 10–13).
Then, at .5 mm distance from the quenched end, lower
bainite becomes the predominant structure (Fig. 17). At
y18 mm from the quenched face the presence of upper
bainite becomes remarkable, intermixed with only some
areas of lower bainite (Figs. 18–20). The areas white at
LOM (Fig. 18), when observed at SEM, appear
completely transformed in upper bainite (Fig. 21).
Furthermore, at 20 mm distance, the structure is
prevalently constituted by upper bainite, with the
presence of pearlitic structures (Figs. 22–24).
For the steels based on diffusion bonded powders
(materials coded AE), EDXS analysis pointed out
uneven compositions as expected. The range of local Ni
amount (wt-%) has been between 2 and 8% as usual at
1393 K sintering temperature with industrially acceptable
Concluding remarks
The results of this investigation confirm the good
hardenability of both PM steels, but for limited
distances from the quenched end. The hardenability
bands indicate that the typical hardening depth is
y5 mm for both materials, After this distance, the
change towards non-martensitic structures is sudden for
the steel from diffusion bonded powder and more soft
for the steel based on Mo prealloyed powder. It should
be observed that the hardenability bands are based on
HRA hardness instead of HRC hardness, as prescribed
by the standard and customarily used for fully dense
At first sight, the use of a different scale could be
criticised. It can mostly be observed, however, that when
reducing the test load from 150 to 60 kp the probability
of overtaking the border of reliable hardness measurements
notably decreases. As we know, any Rockwell
value is obtained by the difference between two
positions of the indenter. The lower the difference
between position, the higher the error of measurement.
For this reason, any Rockwell value below 30/35 is
affected by a measurement error that can alter the ‘true’
properties of the investigated materials, independently
from any other variable. According to a well consolidated
experience, 70 HRA corresponds to 39.
25 HRC.21
If the weakening effect of y11% porosity is duly
considered, it should be unquestionable that 39 HRC
on such porous steel can be achieved only if the
microstructure is fully martensitic. So, the choice of
the hardenability limit is based on these considerations.
The data obtained from the experiments show that:
(i) as expected, the Jominy test is apt to rate the
hardenability of PM steels
(ii) the hardenability bands and the microhardness
profiles agree
(iii) the microstructure features and the microhardness
distributions agree
(iv) the AE coded material shows high microhardness
values (800–860 HV0.
05) only on the first
4 mm from the water quenched end. From this
distance on, the microhardness decreases very
quickly to 400 HV0.
05 at 7 mm distance. After
this point the microhardness profile presents a
slow drop to y300 HV0.
05 at .50 mm distance,
i.e. at the centre of the standard Jominy
(v) near the water quenched end the AM coded
material reaches lower microhardness values
(760–780 HV0.
05) than the AE coded material,
considering the same zone. However these
values remain constant at y8 mm. Beyond this
point the microhardness begins to decrease
slowly, reaching 400 HV0.
05 at 20 mm from
the water quenched end
(vi) the AE coded material, at .5 mm distance from
the quenched end, presents some austenite areas
surrounding the pores. These areas are typically
Ni rich, so that they prevent or obstruct the
formation of martensite. The location of these
areas depends on the powder nature, where the
diffusion–bonding process fixed very fine nickel
particles on the surface of coarser iron at
random. During sintering, the nickel facing
the pores after compaction can diffuse only in
one direction, while, again during sintering, the
nickel situated between contacting particles
after compaction can diffuse in two directions.
In the first case, the concentration gradient will
be inevitably more pronounced than in the
second case. It is well known that the Ni rich
austenite areas are definitely positive in the case
of fatigue stresses acting in operation. On the
contrary, their hardness and the corresponding
wear resistance are rather poor.
This latter remark enables to propose a distinction
between the two materials. The distinction is based on
the difference between the pattern of applied load. At
equal hardness, in the case of prevailing and continuous
wear stress, the PM steels based on diffusion bonded
materials can be less resistant than the PM steels based
on prealloyed powders. The contrary should be the
operating behaviour in the case of combined stresses,
including fatigue. This difference agrees with the
common selection criteria followed by PM part manufacturers
and users
jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015
11) Una
oblea de silicio de 0.3mm de espesor es tratada de manera que se produzca un
gradiente de concentración uniforme de antimonio. Una de las superficies
contiene 1 átomo de Sb por cada 10 átomos de Si, el parámetro de red del Si es
de 5,4307ª. Calcules el gradiente en:
A) porcentaje atómico de Sb por centímetro
B) átomos de Sb/cm3
B) átomos de Sb/cm3
2) Cuando una aleación de CuZn se edifica, una
parte de la estructura contiene 25% atómico de Zinc y otra porción a 0.025mm de
distancia contiene 20% de Zinc, el parámetro de la red para la aleación FCC es
aproximadamente 3,63X10-8cm. Determine el equivalente de concentración en:
A) porcentaje de Zn por cm
B) porcentaje en peso por Zn por cm
C) átomos de Zn
A) porcentaje de Zn por cm
B) porcentaje en peso por Zn por cm
C) átomos de Zn
3) Determine
la temperatura máxima permisible que produzca un flujo de menos de 2000 átomos
H/cm2 a través de una hoja de hierro BCC, cuando el gradiente de concentración
es de -5X1016 átomos/cm2
4) Compare
el coeficiente de difusión para el hidrogeno y el nitrógeno en hierro FCC a
1000C y explique la diferencia.
5) Se
realiza un proceso de carbonización en un acero con 0,10% C, introduciendo 1,0%
en la superficie a 980C, temperatura a la cual el hierro es FCC. Calcule el
contenido de carbono a 0,01cm, 0,05cm y 0,10cm por debajo de la superficie
después de haber pasado una hora.
Ya hallando D se
reemplaza en la primera ecuación para encontrar el tiempo.
El coeficiente de difusión del nitrógeno
es menor que el del hidrogeno por lo cual el hierro actuando a 1000C, el hierro
se difunde más en material.
Como el porcentaje de Cx es el que nos
falta se despeja de la anterior ecuación.
Para X=0,05
Para X=0,10
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