sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015


Product design

There are numerous studies on qualitative approaches in the product design.

Common description of new product development’ is “the process that transforms technical

ideas or market needs and opportunities into a new product on to the market“.

Product development and management Association /PDMA/ defines ‘new product

development’ as “the overall process of strategy, organization, concept generation, product and

marketing plan creation and evaluation, and commercialisation of a new product. [15]

Walsh et al. (1992) describes ‘product design and development’ as “the activity that transforms

the brief or initial market specification into design concepts and prototypes and then into the detailed

drawings, technical specifications and other instructions needed to actually manufacture a new

product. [22]

Business dictionary defines product-design as the detailed specification of manufactured items

parts and their relationships to the whole. A product design needs to take into account how the item

will perform its intended functionality in an efficient, safe and reliable manner. The product also needs

to be capable of being made economically and to be attractive to targeted consumers. [14]

For product design there are several known models based on the specification phase of the

development process.

Fig. 1.

The Design Quality 

Roth [18] definition of design quality is ‘the processes and activities that need to be carried out 

to enable the manufacture of a product that fully meets customer requirements.’ 

Business dictionary defines quality of design as level of effectiveness of the design function in 

determining a product's operational requirements (and their incorporation into design requirements) 

that can be converted into a finished product in a production process. [16] 

Guide Design for Quality definition is - DFQ is the disciplined application of engineering tools 

and concepts with the goal of achieving robust design development and definition in the Pd process. 

The DFQ process allows the engineer to: identify, plan-for and manage factors that impact system 

robustness and reliability upfront in the design process. [1] 

Design quality measures vary from organization to organization. They typically involve some 

measure that attempts to quantify how well the design function achieved certain objectives. These 

objectives can be product specific or they can be aligned with organizational goals. Examples [4]: 

• Carryover parts usage (%), 

• Number of variations for similar products (part count), 

• Change Management, 

• Cost avoidance and cost savings, 

• Product Improvement (number of improvements), 

• Number of technical changes to the product before and after the start of production. 

Design Process Efficiency. Design process measures are metrics intended to quantify the 

efficiency or cost effectiveness of the design process over all engineering design activities. These are 

generally referred to as productivity or efficiency measures. The ones quoted by the panel are: 

• Productivity = (Sales – Materials)/Engineering Labour, 

• Productivity = Engineering cost / Sales (inverse of above), 

• Productivity = (number of part numbers going through the PDP process)/(current year 

engineering expense), 

• % Change in productivity, 

• Project throughput. 

The lean product design 

The essence of Lean is to eliminate waste in all aspects of product development and related 

processes even before getting the product into production. The term is derived from lean 

manufacturing. The starting point is the customer's requirements and determine the value added. All 

others need not satisfy the customer and the customer must pay for it is considered waste. This 

includes: identification of features of the product with the highest added value, delete items without 

value and engage customers in product development stages [19]: 

Vydavatel: Katedra kontroly a řízení jakosti, FMMI, VŠB-TU Ostrava 

• Focusing on the initial development phase, which takes into account many variations, as there is 

room for optimisation. 

• Parallel implementation of activities supported by the communication strategy. 

• Optimise the development process and eliminating waste. 

• Linking specialists from functional departments in multi professional teams. 

• Waste reduction options in the draft. 

. Examples of waste in product design: 

• The proposal was never used, completed or delivered. 

• Downtime in search of information, waiting for test results, etc. 

• Unnecessary documents and prototypes. 

• Insufficient use of product design techniques. 

• Lack of risk analysis of manufacturing defects. 

The best way to eliminate the losses that don’t add value within the process of product design 

and development is to apply the “lean thinking” philosophy. Since “lean” business cannot produce 

“bold” products, the Lean Design and Lean Product Development methods get into concern. Chances 

to dramatic reductions of costs during the product design are: 

• Reduction of direct material costs: platform components and material, simplifying of design, 

reduction of useless waste, samples, prototypes, etc. 

• Reduction of direct costs on experiments and testing simplifying of design - design for lean 

manufacturing and assembly, reduction of part count, adaptation of product tolerances to 

operational possibilities process standardizing, etc. 

• Reduction of operational costs: minimum impact on reconfiguration of manufacturing processes 

and systems, modular design, standards for modifications according to customer’s demands, 

better utilization of manufacturing capacities and human resources. 

• Minimizing development costs: platform of design strategies, lean QFD, Six Sigma, design of 

experiments, value engineering, and others. 

• Acceleration of product development process affects three basic lean principles: 

• Concentration of development activities: perform the work tasks in the shortest time possible, 

and minimum moving of project documentation between individuals and departments. That can 

be achieved with simultaneous solving and strong IT support. 

• Application of knowledge basis from previous experiences portfolio. It means to make use of 

appropriate expertise, learn more than until now and update the knowledge base with 

development-relevant data from suppliers, competitors, customers, and partners. 

Lean companies [20]: 

• Prevent product failures rather than react to them. 

• Create the culture to design quality and reliability into their products. 

• Use product development teams to ensure that the quality and reliability issues of customers, 

manufacturing, service, and suppliers are properly represented. 

• Open communication channels with customers to obtain timely and detailed product failure 


• Maintain a well-conceived failure database of product field failure modes supported by failure 

analysis to root cause. 

• Understand in detail the capabilities and limitations of both internal and suppliers' 

manufacturing operations. 

Agile Product Development 

The phrase "Agile Product Development" can be interpreted in two ways, both of which are 

correct and applicable to a wide range of products and industries: 

1. An agile product development process that can rapidly introduce a steady succession of 

incremental product improvements which can be called "new" products — that are really planned 

"variations on a theme," based on common parts and modular product architecture. This capability 

results in ultra-fast time-to- market, much faster than possible with independent products that do not 

benefit from product-family synergies in design and manufacture. 

2. Development of agile products that can be manufactured in the following agile environments: Agile 

Manufacturing, Just-in-Time, Build-to-Order, and Mass Customisation. 

Vydavatel: Katedra kontroly a řízení jakosti, FMMI, VŠB-TU Ostrava 

The scope of agility – definitions and overview 

Emend of speed, flexibility, innovation, quality, proactively and profitability through the integration of 

reconfigurable resources that must be achieved in synergy. Quickly react to change by re-
configuration of products, processes and organization structure. [5], [7]. 

Factories, based on Agile Manufacturing and customisation, are characterized [6] by: future 

production sites for a large variety of sophisticated products are offering flexible, short cycle time and 

variability controlling manufacturing capability. These manufacturing approaches ensure energy-
efficient, reliable and cost effective production as well as production set-up/ramp-up with reduced cost 

and time through lean and simpler ICT. The adaptive (agile) enterprises exploit capabilities to thrive in 

uncertain and unpredictable business environment. Firms are capable of rapidly responding to 

changes in customer demand.

The agile manufacturing system should be able to produce a variety of components at low 

cost and in a short time period. To achieve Agile Manufacturing, company need agile design 

processes. [7]. 

Lean product development techniques, many companies have adopted in recent years, 

minimize waste and boost efficiency, but they also lock in product attributes too early and limit 


Agile product development system is capable of addressing frequent iterations of multiple 

design options early in the process, based on continuous testing and highly sophisticated customer-
driven design changes. This method, which both encourages flexibility and recognizes the 

unpredictability of the early stages of product development, ensures that the latter part of the cycle is 

much less uncertain, enabling companies to bring more popular products to market at lower cost, and 

with fewer delays. [7] 

The goal of agile product development is to achieve rapid and frequent iterations with multiple 

design options up front — driven by continuous testing and granular customer analyses — in order to 

optimise, balance, and prioritise requirements and identify risks earlier. This early stage of the process 

has four primary characteristics: 

1. Rapid and iterative development model Companies generate multiple concepts, and in a period of 

weeks, rather than months, test product prototypes with customers. 

2. Modular architecture. By breaking a product concept into modules, companies can give sub-teams 

the responsibility to work out the best set of solutions for the final design and manufacturing of their 

part of the project, including interfaces, materials, or potential trouble spots. 

3. Early risk identification. As cross-functional teams rapidly iterate and synthesize product ideas and 

concepts, more often than not the deep dive into the design process reveals potential development 

risks. With this knowledge, teams can prioritise potential risks and incorporate risk reduction plans into 

the development slate, while scheduling routine test events to verify that risks have been addressed. 

4. Intensive supplier involvement. Traditionally, companies hold suppliers and the manufacturing 

function at arm’s length until product requirements and concepts have matured. By contrast, the agile 

front-end approach seeks to gain the input of all - customers, partners, suppliers, and sales and 

manufacturing teams - to critique designs, offer insights, and broadly minimize risk and maximize 

efficiency up front so that fewer changes need to be made during production or product launch. 

Methods and tools for product innovation 

There is a large collection of techniques, methods and tools to support all phases of product 

innovations. Applications depend on innovation and building innovation potential of the body. Here are 

the comparison of the preferred methods and tools for product design in engineering with an emphasis 

on automobile production [2], [10], [12]. 

Selection tools for conceptual design focuses on the management of: 

• Changing customer preferences, 

• Incorrect specification of the parameters of the products, 

• Different levels of technology maturity, 

• Markets, financial uncertainty and the changing legal, political and social environment. 

Preferred methods are particularly lean and system engineering. A comprehensive set of 

techniques for improving product development can be found in specialist publications. Sample 

selection techniques is in the Table 2. [12]

Other approaches to the selection of techniques for product design: 

Software Design Tools: CAD - Computer Aided Design, CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing, EDA - 

Electronic Design Automation, DFM - Design For Manufacture, DFT - Design For Test, DFA - Design 

For Assembly. [17] 

Product Design Tools. These would be used predominantly during the design functions, to ensure that 

the right product is specified and designed and to reduce design time and costs. Within the process of 

product design, are there used the tools as: Design for manufacturing/assembly (DFM/A), Design for 

quality (DFQ), Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), Design to cost (DTC), Quality function deployment 

(QFD), Design failure mode and effect analysis (DFMEA). [18] 

In the automotive industry, are widely used methodologies of product quality planning (APQP, VDA 

4.3) and the requirements for the approval process to mass production of parts (PPAP, PPF). 

Advanced product quality planning (or APQP) is a framework of procedures and techniques 

used to develop products in industry, particularly the automotive industry. The purpose of APQP is to 

produce a product quality plan, which will support development of a product that will satisfy the 

customer. APQP serves as a guide in the development process and also a standard way to share 

results between suppliers and automotive companies. 

Part of the quality control standards in the automotive industry is methodological guide PPAP 

(Production Part Approval Process) and PPF (Produktionsprozess-und Produktfreigabe) - Unlocking 

the production process and product. These guides provide a set of requirements for the release of the 

production process and product to manufacture. Their purpose is to determine whether the supplier 

properly understand all the customer's requirements and specifications whether the manufacturing 

process has the potential to produce a product that the requirements will be in the actual production 

volume and at the agreed production speed consistently met. 

The significance of design methods and techniques. In study [3] was made a survey of selected 

frequency techniques in practice, the automotive industry. The survey results reflected in the 0-3 point 

scale are follows: 

• Design for Manufacture and Assembly 2,4 

• Design for Reliability and Durability 2,2 

• Design for Six Sigma 1,0 

• Value Analysis 0,8 

• Design for Service, Repair and Maintenance 0,5 

• Design for Green Manufacturing 0,5 

Shown differentiated approach to product design tool is caused by authors analyze the various 

phases of design and various product sectors. The application design tools are needed specialized 

methodology. In the next part will focus on the results of our research on product design tools to create 

prototypes of cars. 

Case Study: Techniques for Product Design in project of student car 

Testing the potential application of techniques for product design was the Faculty of 

Mechanical Engineering TU Kosice done on a project of student car conducted by the author [9]. The 

project was to design and construct a fully functional car in real size, which represented the University 

faculty and students study the production of cars in their acquired skills and knowledge of the issue of 

product innovations. 

Vydavatel: Katedra kontroly a řízení jakosti, FMMI, VŠB-TU Ostrava 

The car was taken by its originality, aggressiveness, speed, and innovative features modern 

and sporty appearance. The project modelled the real process automakers, with the real constraints 

and didactic intention maximum creative team-based methods learning by doing. 

The sequence of phases of the project were as follows: generation of policy options the car, 

design proposals, graphic and computer design, evaluation, modelling, technical solutions, 

calculations, experiments, production decisions - subcontracting, original equipment manufacturing, 

assembly and testing. 

The new car was built on the Skoda Fabia platform. Body and interior are completely original 

components. The new solution is a hinged door opening. Other innovations are the engine and 

chassis modifications. The new car is shown in Fig. 2.

Project management was a crosscutting activity, as part of the student team was not experience of 

dealing with large and complex projects. 

Lean design methods, because in conditions of university research projects are limited financial and 

technological resources. 

Design for quality, because the car represents the quality of student education in innovation and 

product design techniques. It shows the conditions for their application in automotive research and 


1 comentario:

  1. 2E-Steinbeis provides Solar Training for Electrical Engineers, Product Design & Manufacturing Training Courses for Mechanical Engineers, Solar Technician Training and Automotive Engineer Training with 100% Placements in Hyderabad.
